The fair this year was a bit of a step back. To my knowledge, Brian Christensen and I were the only entrants in the adult division. I say, to my knowledge, because I need to leave by 6:30pm and I don't know if anyone else showed up.
This fair is more of an exhibition than a competition. We're allowed to bring split fruit. The fair does award ribbons and give TINY cash prizes (not enough to cover your gas to get there). In the past we've had up to seven different entrants in this category, but our bad weather early in the year hurt some. Beyond that, the bottom line is that we just don't see the interest to grow this hobby around here. Well, maybe I'm being harsh.
I brought in a 547.5 UGLY fruit from the 1092 Martin, and a 416.5 pretty orange one from the 857 Christensen. Brian needed to be out of town, but his wife brought down two splitters, an 829 and another one which I don't remember, but I think it was close to 750.
The highlight this year was the kids category. A local nursery sponsored a contest for the kids, with a $1000 top prize! Brian's son Blake won the event with a 491 pound fruit (grown all by himself) and my daughter Elise took second with a 290 pound pumpkin. Second place brings a cool $250. The best part was a lot of children took part, more than I anticipated. With this year's weather through May and into June, anyone bringing any pumpkin to the fair should be congratulated!
Oh, and I wrote the address to this blog on the side of one of my pumpkins. Hopefully a few of the 100,000 people who pass by will remember, and visit this page. WELCOME! We need more people to join us!! Please send me an email if you are at all interested in this hobby!