Friday, October 16, 2009

I'm alive

Just a note to mention that I'm still alive. The 998 is alive as well. It lives under several blankets and a tarp over that. It's been warm lately, and I really should let it breathe. Most days I never make it outside.

One week from tomorrow is that final weighoff. I wonder if there is a prize? I wonder if anyone else will show up? I really hope so... This could become another weighoff to shoot for.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Cold and snow

It has snowed most of the day here. Not much is sticking, but it is very wet.

As for seeds, I have already had some inquiries about the very orange 423. On the good side, it is in fact VERY orange, it went heavy for it's size, and it has a rib-structure which I think could support a much heavier fruit. Get this one on a healthy plant, 15 feet out, and it would be real nice. On the downside, it was an open pollination. In fact, I was gone the day that it opened. I wish there was a way to determine a seed's color potential before committing to it.

To anyone interested in the 423 or the 617, they will be available. Likely I won't cut the fruit until around Halloween, unless it looks like we might go into an early deep-freeze. Freezing doesn't hurt the seed, but I'd rather not spend hours picking seeds out of COLD pumpkin flesh, lol.

The 998 is probably around 350 to 400 (guessing), but if it goes like the other two went, it could go into the 400's. I hope I can keep it healthy over the next few days, while the overnight temps dip down into the 20's.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Pocatello Farmer's Market Weighoff

Believe it or not, there is one more weighoff for me this year. The Pocatello Farmer's Market is hosting a weighoff on Oct. 24th. That's right, right about when AG's are already a block of ice around here. That's a whole three weeks from this coming Saturday. It's quite likely that we'll have temperatures in the TEENS between now and then. Atlantic Giants have a very high water content. At those temperatures, the flesh of the fruit will actually freeze.

This could be an interesting experiment, to see if I can keep it going with lots of blankets and tarps. I might just trim it down to nothing but a main vine and the fruit. Essentially that is all that is left now anyway.

So, I'm hanging on with a 400 pounder (hopefully) on the 998 Bowles. It was supposed to be orange, but it's white/pink. I do appreciate the idea from the Pocatello Farmer's Market... I just wish it could be two or three weeks earlier.