Next, the 720 Warren. This plant had double-vine for one node, early on. After that, it went normal and has been fine ever since. But because of that double-vine, the plant doesn't seem to have a dominant set of first secondaries. I'm hoping this plant will produce the fair fruit.

I like this 1211.5 Toftness. I have a really good feeling about this plant. It's almost as big as the 1505, and the fruit on it is nicely shaped.

The 1467 Perham. In the picture it looks like the main is coming toward you, but in reality it is going out the left side of the picture.

Finally, the 1725 Harp. This is a good plant. I worry about the soil in this spot. It's now growing over an area where we had peas... we have other banks of peas that are truly awesome. This particular bank of peas turned yellow and shriveled up and did nothing. It's good for the plant that I can send the main out farther, but I wonder what's going on? There is a possibility that I will pollinate another fruit on this vine to experiment with fruit farther out on the main.

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