Saturday, June 27, 2009


I'm surviving here. The plants have responded to some nice weather and some good feedings. Although I'm never where I'd like to be, considering the weather I'm glad to have what I have.

One thing to note, the growth in the patch is not linear. That is, right now they are taking off. A week ago, they were not.

Pictured here is the 779 Warren. This is going to be a good seed. I already know that this one will be in my patch next year. It's at 10 feet right now.

The 964 is at 11.5 feet. The 1436 is around 9, and the 1392 is at about 8. The 1392 has taken a lot of hail damage. As for the 998, it's doing a little better but it's an odd plant due to it's propensity to throw double vines. On that one I'll probably set a few fruit wherever and keep the best one.

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