Tuesday, January 29, 2008

About peat

So, in an earlier post I "went off" a bit about peat and the propaganda surrounding the depletion of peat bogs. I have a tendency to do that at times. Let me explain.

Of all the acres (270 million) of peat bogs in Canada, in the entire history of the world about 0.001% of them have been harvested. Even if it takes 200 years for the peat to be replenished, it's growing back at a rate 50 times faster than it's being depleted. Basically, we are not destroying the planet by harvesting peat! We are not even making a dent in the available peat.

So it makes me frustrated that people say, "Save the peat! Buy our product instead!" When I see these things I understand that they're either misinformed themselves, or lying to try to get my business.

Everyone these days is "going green". I have nothing against environmentalism or environmentalists, I think it's great that we should take care of our planet. But truth is truth, and falsehood is falsehood, and making up stories to convince the uninformed to buy a product is wrong and I don't like it. So when I see things like those fiber pots, I actually have to look past the packaging and tell myself I'm buying the product on it's merits... maybe it will work better, imagine that!

OK, that's plenty enough soapbox. I'll try to avoid going off like that in the future. ;-)

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