Sunday, January 27, 2008

Winter experiments

Well. do you play around with seed germination trials during the winter? I do.

This time of the year all the stores clean out their Christmas stuff and start putting out Valentines stuff and gardening stuff, (if you're lucky). So I ran into these fiber pots (pictured below). All around the packaging was, ... ah, now I can't think of the word I'm looking for... rhetoric? no, that's not it, but a bunch of bleeding heart stuff about saving the peat bogs, etc. Anyway, they also claim that the fiber loosens up and allows the roots to quickly run out of the pot. Well, I'm going to try it out this winter to see if it will work well enough.

I don't like peat pots. They really don't break down in my soil.

By the way, you can see larger versions of these images by clicking on them.

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