Thursday, January 10, 2008

Planting sites

I touched on this back in 2005, and that year I had my best start ever, I think.

What it is, is digging out a four foot by four foot, by 1.5 to 2 feet deep at each planting site. Here is what I'm thinking:

Dig the holes.
Put down a layer of green grass clippings, mixed with straw.
Sprinkle a layer of blood meal over that.
Layer in a few inches of soil.
Layer in an inch or two of peat moss or really good finished compost.
Continue the layers of soil and compost until the hole is filled, and then over fill the site by a few inches.

Of course, I somehow need to find the time and resources to do this at six sites.

Some of my thought processes: I want to avoid salts in my soil. For that reason I'm hesitant to put down more manure, and that's why I'm focusing on grass clippings, straw, peat, and compost. But I think I'd need a fairly significant layer of grass and straw, activated with nitrogen to actually generate some heat. It would be fun to try this, and also to monitor any heat generated with a thermometer.

What do you think? By the way, you can respond to this and other posts by clicking the "Comments" link below.

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